Claim Your Newsletter

Newsletter DB is the go-to platform for advertisers, sponsors, agencies, and anyone looking to discover and connect with newsletters across a wide range of niches. By claiming your newsletter, you'll gain access to a host of valuable benefits, including:
  • More sponsorship opportunities: Claiming your newsletter can help you attract more sponsors and advertisers who are looking to partner with publications in your niche.
  • Accurate data: By keeping your newsletter information up-to-date, you'll ensure that we have the most accurate and complete data about your publication.
  • Advanced insights: With Newsletter DB, you can stay on top of your Substack chart rankings, track mentions of your newsletter online, and gain other valuable insights to help you grow your audience and engagement.
Ready to take your newsletter to the next level? Claim your publication on Newsletter DB today and start connecting with sponsors, advertisers, and readers who are interested in your content.

Enter the URL of your newsletter's main page.

Provide your email address for verification purposes.

Choose whether you'd like to receive sponsorship opportunities for your newsletter.

Select if you're interested in cross-promoting your newsletter with other authors in your niche.

Indicate if you're open to receiving tips or pitches from your audience and other creators.

Enter the average open rate percentage for your newsletter. This helps sponsors understand engagement.

Provide the total number of subscribers for your newsletter. This helps sponsorsestimate your reach.